Look: View Image(s): Chantilly, 1773, Compare Image Metadata: Image Description: Plate Signature: “Le Barbier inv. / D. Née Sculp.” Artist: “Lebarbier, Jean Jacques François” Engraver: “Née, François Denis” Year: Inscription: “Aujourd’hui je vois ma Mere / M’ordonner d’un ton sévere / De fuir avec soin Colin.” Keywords: hats, peasants, pastoral, day (time of day),interior, doors, […]
chairs (furniture forms)
S.3.07 Le recuëillement
Look: View Image(s): Chantilly, 1773, Compare Image Metadata: Image Description: Plate Signature: “Le Barbier inv. / Masquelier Sculp” Artist: “Lebarbier, Jean Jacques François” Engraver: “Masquelier, Louis Joseph, I” Year: Inscription: “Recueillés vous quelque momens / Mon ame infortunée;” Keywords: court dress,interior, night, upper class, urban, candlelight, candles, candleholders,miniature painting, quill pens,inkwells, books, desks,letters (correspondence), fauteuils […]
S.3.05 La leçon
Look: View Image(s): Chantilly, 1773, Compare Image Metadata: Image Description: Plate Signature: “Le Barbier. inv. / L. J. Masquelier Sculp.” Artist: “Lebarbier, Jean Jacques François” Engraver: “Masquelier, Louis Joseph, I” Year: Inscription: “Bien que ce fut en chanson / C’etoit une leçon.” Keywords: interior, day (time of day), upper class, urban, windows, boiserie, stuccowork,urns, cabinets […]
S.3.02 La declaration ingénieuse
Look: View Image(s): Chantilly, 1773, Compare Image Metadata: Image Description: Plate Signature: “Le Barbier inv. / D Née Sc” Artist: “Lebarbier, Jean Jacques François” Engraver: “Née, François Denis” Year: Inscription: “Si je vous le disois, la beauté que j’adore, / Le sauroit aussitôt que vous.” Keywords: acanthus (motif),lovers, couples, tricornes, court dress, courtship, chairs (furniture […]
S.2.21 Les derniers regrets d’un amant
Look: View Image(s): Chantilly, 1773, Compare Image Metadata: Image Description: Plate Signature: “Le Bouteux. inv. / L J Masquelier Sc” Artist: Le Bouteux, Joseph Barthélemy Engraver: Masquelier, Louis Joseph, I Year: Inscription: “Pour la derniere fois / Aujoud’hui le vois / Ce tendre gage…..” Keywords: andirons, arrows, banyans, bed coverings, bed curtains, bonnets (hats), books, […]
S.2.19 La rupture
Look: View Image(s): Chantilly, 1773, Compare Image Metadata: Image Description: Plate Signature: “Le Bouteux inv. / L. J. Masquelier. Sc.” Artist: “Le Bouteux, Joseph Barthélemy” Engraver: “Masquelier, Louis Joseph, I” Year: Inscription: “Ah! trompeuse Isméne / Je romps ma chaine.” Keywords: interior, upper class, urban, stuccowork, boiserie, beds (furniture), box beds, bed coverings, bed curtains, […]