View Image(s): Chantilly, 1773, Compare
Image Metadata:
Image Description:
Plate Signature: “Le Bouteux. inv. / L J Masquelier Sc”
Artist: Le Bouteux, Joseph Barthélemy
Engraver: Masquelier, Louis Joseph, I
Inscription: “Pour la derniere fois / Aujoud’hui le vois / Ce tendre gage…..”
Keywords: andirons, arrows, banyans, bed coverings, bed curtains, bonnets (hats), books, bows (weapons), box beds, bureaux plats, busts (sculpture), candle sconces, candleholders, candles, chairs (furniture forms), Corinthian order, crescents (motifs), day (time of day), Diana (Roman deity), draperies (curtains), fireplaces, footrests, inkwells, interior, lovers, mantels (fireplace components), miniature painting, mirrors, Mythology, Classical, paintings (visual works), peploses, pilasters, pillows, plinths, pokers (equipment), putti (children), quill pens, quivers, sandals, sculpture (visual works), side chairs, stuccowork, tile flooring (flooring), torches (lighting devices), upper class, urban, vases, Venus (Roman deity), windows
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General Metadata:
Group Page Range: Vol. 2, 122-126
Title Page Inscription: “LES / DERNIERS REGRETS / D’UN AMANT”
Published Notes:
View Score(s): 1773
Song 1 recording: Ah! Silvie!
Song 2 recording: Par un baiser sur les levres d’Iris
Credit: Paul McMahon, tenor
Amy Moore, soprano
Erin Helyard, harpsichord (French double by Carey Beebe after Blanchet, 1991)
Temperament: Jean-Henri Lambert, 1774, A:392
Song 1 diction recording:
Song 2 diction recording:
Credit: Eighteenth-century diction prepared and declaimed by Linda Barcan with the assistance of Erin Helyard and Veronique Duche
Music Metadata:
Song 1 Description:
The serious subject matter of this poem is given equally serious treatment by Laborde, with a preliminary recitatif that suggests the opera house and tragédie lyrique. David’s harp is suggested in the restless arpeggiated accompaniment and the lamenting tone is captured in the keening vacillation between G and F-sharp with the words “mon cœur est déchiré sans césse”.
Song 1 Composer: Laborde, Jean-Benjamin de
Song 1 Key Signature: f
Song 1 Time Signature: 2
Song 1 Expression Marks: Allegretto
Song 1 Tessitura of Voice: f1-ab2
Song 1 Tessitura of Instrument: c-f2
Song 1 Strophic: Non-strophic
Song 1 Related Compositions:
Song 2 Description:
Song 2 Composer: Laborde, Jean-Benjamin de
Song 2 Key Signature: c
Song 2 Time Signature: 2
Song 2 Expression Marks: Andantino
Song 2 Tessitura of Voice: g1-bb2
Song 2 Tessitura of Instrument: G-g2
Song 2 Strophic: Non-strophic
Song 2 Related Compositions:
Song 1 Transcription:
Ah! Silvie si chérie
qui devais m’aimer
le reste de ma vie
quand l’espérance m’est ravie
il faut en fin renoncer pour jamais
à tes séduisans attraits
il faut renoncer pour jamais
à tes séduisans attraits.
ton cœur volage alors constant
me fit présent de ton Image
pour la derniere fois
je le vois
ce tendre gage
de toi mon seul souvenir
sera de te hair
oui de toi mon seul souvenir
sera de te hair.
Song 2 Transcription:
Par un baiser
sur les lévres d’Iris,
de ma fidelle ardeur
j’ai dérobé le prix
mais mon bonheur à passé comme un songe
Je doute encor de ma félicité
mon bonheur fu trop grand
pour n’etre qu’un mensonge
mais il dura,
[mais il dura]
trop peu p[ou]r une vérité.
Text Metadata:
Song 1 Text Description:
Song 1 Incipit: Ah! Silvie!
Song 1 Author: Laborde, Jean-Benjamin de
Song 1 Text Keywords:
Sources that refer to song 1 text:
Sources that song 1 text refers to:
Song 2 Text Description:
Song 2 Incipit: Par un baiser sur les levres d’Iris
Song 2 Author: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Song 2 Keywords:
Sources that refer to song 2 text: